Friday, January 24, 2025
    BlogJudiciary30+ Important Questions of Indian Constitution Law

    30+ Important Questions of Indian Constitution Law [With Answers] [Series – 2]

    Second Series of 30+ Important Questions of Indian Constitution of previous examinations taken from the various Indian States, Judiciary exams. Practice them and comment with your score in the comment box and also suggest the next topic on which you want the next post from the Legal Thirst. We have posted all the questions along with the answers.

    Click Here for the 1st Series

    #1. The Supreme Commander of India’s Defence Forces is

    1. Chief of Staff of the Indian Army
    2. President of India
    3. Prime Minister of India
    4. Defence Minister

    Ans: (2)

    #2. The States Reorganisation Act of 1956 reduced the number of
    States in the country from 27 to

    1. 14
    2. 15
    3. 18
    4. 19

    Ans: (1)

    #3. A Constitutional Emergency declared by the President has to
    be approved by Union Parliament within

    1. 1 month
    2. 2 months
    3. 6 months
    4. 1 year

    Ans: (2)

    #4. The Indian Constitution provides for

    1. Single Citizenship
    2. Dual Citizenship
    3. Both of them
    4. Neither

    Ans: (1)

    #5. The letter of resignation of the President should be addressed to the

    1. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
    2. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
    3. Vice President
    4. Prime Minister

    Ans: (3)

    #6. The name of any Indian State can be altered by

    1. The Governor of the State
    2. the State Legislature concerned
    3. Union Parliament
    4. the President of India

    Ans: (3)

    #7. Which of the following qualifications is not essential for election as President of India?

    1. A citizen of India
    2. Not less than 35 years of age
    3. Qualified for election as a member of the Lok Sabha
    4. A member of the Lok Sabha

    Ans: (4)

    #8. Which among the following is not a Fundamental Right?

    1. Right of strike
    2. Right to equality
    3. Right to freedom of religion
    4. Right to constitutional remedies

    Ans: (1)

    #9. Which one of the following courts is responsible for the enforcement of Fundamental Rights?

    1. High Courts
    2. Supreme Court of India
    3. District and Sessions Court
    4. All categories of courts

    Ans: (2)

    #10. The Indian Constitution came into force on

    1. January 26, 1950
    2. January 26, 1949
    3. November 26, 1949
    4. January 1, 1950

    Ans: (1)

    #11. The Constitution of India is

    1. rigid
    2. very/rigid
    3. flexible
    4. partly rigid and partly flexible

    Ans: (4)

    #12. The Constitution of India was adopted on

    1. November 26, 1949
    2. August 16, 1949
    3. August 14, 1948
    4. January 25, 1950

    Ans: (1)

    #13. In which year was the first Constitution Amendment Act passed?

    1. 1951
    2. 1952
    3. 1953
    4. 1950

    Ans: (1)

    #14. The President of India is the

    1. Head of State
    2. Head of the Government
    3. Head of State as well as Government
    4. Uncrowned Monarch of the Republic

    Ans: (1)

    #15. Who was the third President of the Indian Republic?

    1. Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
    2. Dr. Zakir Husain
    3. V.V. Giri
    4. Fakruddin Ali Ahmed

    Ans: (2)

    #16. Who among the following held office as President of India, for two consecutive terms?

    1. Dr. S Radhakrishanan
    2. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
    3. V.V. Giri
    4. Both (a) and (b)

    Ans: (2)

    #17. The Constitution makes India a secular State. This means

    1. India shall be a theocratic State
    2. India shall be a State without religion
    3. The State is completely detached from religious affiliations
    4. None of these

    Ans: (3)

    #18. The oath of office to the President is administered by the

    1. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
    2. Prime Minister
    3. Vice-President
    4. Chief Justice of India

    Ans: (4)

    #19. Who acted as the Prime Minister of India immediately on the death of Jawaharlal Nehru?

    1. T.T. Krishnamachari
    2. Lal Bahadur Shastri
    3. Mrs. Indira Gandhi
    4. Gulzari Lal Nanda

    Ans: (4)

    #20. When were the first General Elections held in the country?

    1. 1950-51
    2. 1949-50
    3. 1951-52
    4. 1952-53

    Ans: (3)

    #21. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by the

    1. Prime Minister
    2. President
    3. Parliament
    4. Vice-President

    Ans: (2)

    #22. Which is the only Indian State which has the unique distinction of having its own Constitution?

    1. Goa
    2. Sikkim
    3. Jammu and Kashmir
    4. Nagaland

    Ans: (3)

    #23. The Head of the State of Jammu and Kashmir was redesignated Governor in 1965. Earlier, he was known as

    1. Maharaja
    2. Prime Minister
    3. Sadar-i-Riyasat
    4. Rajpramukh

    Ans: (3)

    #24. The final authority to make a Procla-mation of Emergency rests with the

    1. Prime Minister
    2. President
    3. Union Parliament
    4. Union Council of Ministers

    Ans: (2)

    #25. Judges of High Courts are appointed by

    1. the Chief Justices of the respective High Courts
    2. Governor
    3. the President
    4. the Chief Minister

    Ans: (3)

    #26. When the office of the President and Vice-President fall vacant simultaneously who acts as President?

    1. Prime Minister
    2. Chief Justice of India
    3. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
    4. Chief of Army Staff

    Ans: (2)

    #27. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha can be removed from his office by the/a

    1. President
    2. Prime Minister
    3. Vote of no-confidence passed by both the Houses of Parliament
    4. Vote of no-confidence passed by the Lok Sabha

    Ans: (4)

    #28. In which one of the following States, it is constitutionally obligatory for the State to have a separate minister for tribal welfare?

    1. Jharkhand
    2. Odisha
    3. Madhya Pradesh
    4. All of them

    Ans: (4)

    #29. Panchayati Raj was introduced in the country in

    1. 1957
    2. 1952
    3. 1951
    4. 1959

    Ans: (4)

    #30. Panchayati Raj was first introduced in

    1. Andhra Pradesh
    2. Bihar
    3. Rajasthan
    4. Gujarat

    Ans: (3)

    #31. The Committee, on whose recommendations Panchayati Raj was introduced in the country was headed by

    1. Balwant Rai Mehta
    2. Jivraj Mehta
    3. Jagjivan Ram
    4. Shriman Narayan

    Ans: (1)

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