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    OpportunityJob & InternshipsParichay-Call for Volunteers

    Parichay-Call for Volunteers [Apply by January 5]

    Parichay is a collaborative legal aid clinic set up by law schools in India. Parichay invites applications for the position of Volunteers.

    About Parichay

    Parichay is a collaborative legal aid clinic set up by law schools in India to assist persons excluded from the National Register of Citizens in Assam. Persons excluded from the NRC in Assam have the right to file appeals before the Foreigners Tribunals against their exclusion.

    Parichay works with lawyers and paralegals to assist them through the appeals process. We also engage in documentation and research to generate greater understanding of citizenship laws in India. The core areas of work are:

    • Drafting Appeals: Over 19 lakh persons will have to file appeals before the Foreigners’ Tribunals in a period of 120 days after the receipt of their rejection slips. Volunteers will assist lawyers in drafting such appeals.
    • Documentation: The NRC is the largest citizenship determination exercise ever conducted in India. We aim to generate extensive documentation to provide the empirical basis for policy recommendations.
    • Research: The NRC involves broader questions of constitutional and human rights law. Volunteers will assist lawyers with legal research for the filing of appeals before the Foreigner’s Tribunal, Gauhati High Court and Supreme Court.
    • Training: Given the unprecedented nature of the NRC appeals process, it is essential to generate training material for lawyers, paralegals and student volunteers working on legal aid, to ensure that all excluded persons receive effective legal representation.

    Student volunteers form the backbone of this exercise.

    Duration of Work

    Minimum 6 months, remote work.


    II-year and above in a 5-year LL.B degree/any year in a 3-year LL.B degree/LL.M. students. Students with written and oral communication skills in Assamese and Bengali will be preferred.

    Work Description

    • Volunteers will work remotely and assist with the following research, drafting and training tasks:
    • Working with lawyers and paralegals to draft Appeals or Written Statements to be filed before the Foreigners’ Tribunals, based on the specific rejection orders and factual matrices of each case.
    • Attending legal training sessions conducted by lawyers or Core Team Members to be equipped for the drafting exercises.
    • Attending workshops to be well versed with Parichay’s policy guidelines on data security, sexual harassment, equity, mental health etc.
    • Assisting with the preparation of training manuals to be used by paralegals and future volunteers for appeals before the Foreigners’ Tribunals.
    • Conducting research on case laws and legal questions revolving around citizenship, human rights or constitutional law, for appeals before the Gauhati High Court, Supreme Court, or other strategic litigation that Parichay may assist with.
    • Engaging in data analysis to generate policy recommendations.

    How to Apply?

    Fill this form with your personal details, relevant experience and a statement of purpose of no more than 250 words.

    Deadline for Applications: 23:59 hrs, 5th January 2021.

    Contact Information

    For queries, email at contact[at]

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