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    BlogJudiciary30+ Important Questions of Constitution for Law Entrance

    30+ Important Questions of Constitution for Law Entrance

    Test Series For CLAT and DU L.L.B.-1: Constitution

    Legal Thirst is introducing Test Series for CLAT and DU L.L.B. This is Part-1 with 30+ Important Constitution Questions for Law Entrance Aspirants.
    1. Which among the following is not a Fundamental Right?
    1. Right to Equality
    2. Right to Property
    3. Right to Freedom
    4. Right against exploitation
    2. Rights given in the Constitution are called Fundamental Right because
    1. They are natural rights
    2. They can’t be suspended
    3. They are a part of the Constitution
    4. They can be enforced and safeguarded by the courts
    3. Article 32 stands suspended during an emergency under Article
    1. 352
    2. 356
    3. 360
    4. 362
    4. Right to privacy is contained in
    1. Article 22
    2. Article 19
    3. Article 21
    4. Article 22
    5. Freedom of expression is included in the article
    1. 15
    2. 19
    3. 21
    4. 22
    6. The emergency provisions of the Constitution of India have been borrowed from
    1. German Constitution
    2. American Constitution
    3. French Constitution
    4. Irish Constitution
    7. First amendment was brought in the preamble to the Constitution in the year ……??
    1. 1956
    2. 1951
    3. 1974
    4. 1998
    8. The concurrent list was adopted from
    1. Russian Constitution
    2. American Constitution
    3. Australian constitution
    4. French Constitution
    9. Equality before the law and Equal protection of law have been modeled on the Constitution of
    1. Britain
    2. America
    3. Russian
    4. Switzerland
    10. Which article of the constitution of India empowers the President to take over the administration of a state on the basis of the failure of constitutional machinery
    1. 365
    2. 352
    3. 356
    4. 360
    11. In India, the power of ‘amnesty’ has been given to the
    1. President
    2. Prime Minister
    3. Chief of the army
    4. Parliament
    12. The President’s rule in a state can be continued at a stretch for a maximum period of
    1. 4years
    2. 2years
    3. 3 years
    4. One year
    13. The 44th Amendment Act of 197 the Constitution of India
    1. Deleted the Fundamental Right to acquire, hold and dispose of the property.
    2. Introduced the Fundamental Right to free and compulsory education.
    3. Deleted Fundamental Right to work
    4. Suspended the Fundamental Right to constitutional remedies
    14. Who declared a state of emergency in India under Article 352 of the Constitution of India in the year 1975?
    1. Indira Gandhi
    2. Giani Zail Singh
    3. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
    4. Sanjay Gandhi
    15. Who is the Solicitor General of India?
    1. Milon K. Banerjee
    2. Tushar Mehta
    3. Harish Salve
    4. Soli Sorabjee

    Read More: 30 Important Previous Year JudiciaryQuestions for the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973

    16. Following a ruling of the Delhi High Court, which among the following is not a criterion for designating an advocate as Senior Advocate:
    • standing at Bar
    • 12 years of uninterrupted law practice
    • Special knowledge or experience of law
    • money
    1. a, b and d
    2. d
    3. a and d
    4. b and d
    17. Which Bill of the Parliament seeks to give effect to Article 21A of the Constitution of India?
    1. Right to Education Bill, 2008
    2. Central Universities Bill, 2008
    3. Limited Liability Partnership Bill, 2008
    4. National Investigation Agency Bill, 2008
    18. Which of the following is considered the first international crime?
    1. Piracy on the High Seas.
    2. Violation of Human Rights
    3. Slavery
    4. Software Piracy
    19. Under which Article of the Constitution of India is the law laid down by Supreme Court binding on all courts?
    1. Article 32
    2. Article 141
    3. Article 226
    4. Article 124
    20. Who appoints the Attorney General of India?
    1. Chief Justice of India.
    2. Ministry of Law and Justice, Government of India.
    3. President of India
    4. President of India in consultation with the Chief justice of India.
    21. What is an extradition treaty?
    1. A treaty for the surrender of an alleged or convicted criminal by one nation to another.
    2. A treaty for ensuring fair trial of an alleged or convicted criminal transferred by one nation to another.
    3. A treaty for the international trial of an alleged or convicted criminal.
    4. A treaty for a trial of an alleged or convicted criminal by a nation, for the crime, committed or allegedly committed in another nation.
    22. Which of the following is entrusted with a statutory duty of laying down the standards of professional conduct and etiquette for advocates in India?
    1. Bar Association of India
    2. Bar Council of India
    3. Delhi Bar Council
    4. Supreme Court of India

    Read More: Freedom of Press: Role in Democracy

    23. Which is the present Law Commission of India?
    1. 13th
    2. 16th
    3. 21st
    4. 20th
    24. What is meant by the expression Separation of Powers?
    1. Division of powers and spheres of authority between the police and the army at the local and national level
    2. Model of governance dividing the power and responsibilities of the State between its Executive Legislature and a Judiciary
    3. Provision under the Constitution of India for seperate High court for each state of the country.
    4. Division of rights and liabilities between the Central Government, State Governments and the citizens of India through the Constitution of India read with the Right to Information Act
    25. Which of the following theories of crime is based on the works of Henry McKay and Clifford R. Shaw of the Chicago School thought?
    1. Social disorganization theory
    2. Strain theory
    3. Rational choice theory
    4. Routine activity theory
    26. The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, as amended in 20 prohibits the employment of a child under the age of years as domestic servants
    1. 12
    2. 18
    3. 16
    4. 14
    27. Which of the following bodies is not set up under the Constitution of India?
    1. Finance Commission
    2. Union Public Service Commission
    3. Supreme Court of India
    4. National Human Rights Commission
    28. How many official languages have been recognized under the Constitution of India?
    1. 14
    2. 18
    3. 20
    4. 22
    29. An arrested person under the Indian Constitution does not have a fundamental right to:-
    1. travel abroad
    2. practice any profession
    3. get the assistance of a legal practitioner of his choice if arrested under preventive detention law
    4. challenge an arbitrary law
    30. The phrase ‘de facto means:
    1. all the facts
    2. all the facts and figures
    3. bonafide
    4. for all practical purposes

    This is part 1, please comment in the comment section below that on which topic you want our next part of Test Series.

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