Saturday, February 8, 2025
    OpportunityJob & InternshipsResearch Internship Opportunity at IPAN, Public Policy : Apply by Dec 31

    Research Internship Opportunity at IPAN, Public Policy [International Policy Analysis Network]: Apply by Dec 31

    About the Opportunity

    IPAN or International Policy Analysis Network is inviting applications for internships in public policy research and analysis.

    About IPAN

    IPAN was founded by its current President Kshitij Bansal. As an active student of International Law and Global Governance with a very wide exposure to public policy research and youth activism, Bansal conceptualised the idea of starting Asia’s first youth-led public policy think tank in November, 2011. Bansal was the head of Indian Delegation as the Head of State at G20 Youth Summit, Washington DC 2012. He is a widely published research scholar with numerous publications in leading journals, magazines and newspapers. The motivation behind this social entrepreneurial venture was to involve young people in public policy advocacy in an institutional manner with the objective of making them an informed and an effective voice in the national as well as global policy formulation.

    After one and half years of informal operation, IPAN was formally launched on 23rd October 2012, the birth anniversary of Late Prof. Dr. S R S Bedi who was the mentor and inspiration behind this social entrepreneurship initiative.

    The Internship

    • Location: IPAN Research Interns are able to undertake their work from their respective locations.
    • Stipend: No stipend
    • Period of Internship: 3 Months

    Who can Apply?

    • Can be of any nationality.
    • Must have completed at least first year of the bachelors course.
    • Can be from any academic discipline ranging from social sciences to technology but should be highly motivated to work in a demanding think tank environment which would require excellent research and writing skills focussed on public policy issues of national & international relevance.
    • Must be proficient in both oral and written English.


    • During the three month term, the intern will be provided with a specified theme to research upon (may work on multiple themes in some cases). An effort will be made to match the interests of the intern and research requirements of IPAN.
    • Under the constant supervision of an IPAN member, the intern will have to submit one article per week/two weeks (around 1000 words) which will lead up to the preparation and submission of a final research report at the end of the term. The weekly article submission will help in the continuity of research which will be compiled and concluded in the form of a final research report.
    • The articles and the final report submitted by the intern will be considered for publication with IPAN after the necessary review.
    • Upon satisfactory completion of the term, an internship completion-cum-assessment certificate will be issued to the intern. This certificate will contain an assessment by the concerned supervisor along with a performance grade.
    • The intern may be offered other positions with IPAN based upon the research potential and performance during the programme.

    How to Apply?

    IPAN only accepts applications sent electronically through the online application system given below. We do not accept direct mailings or in-person paper submissions.

    The applicant must upload the following documents (in pdf format):

    • A formal, two-page CV (CVs more than two-pages will be liable for an automatic rejection)
    • A Writing Sample (1000 – 1250 words) related to any relevant topic which can be an excerpt from a larger published work, university project report, a blog piece, an essay, a letter to the editor for a newspaper, an article in your school’s magazine, etc. Please provide a couple of sentences of context if you’re excerpting your selection from a larger piece. The important thing is for us to get a sense of the applicant’s linguistic proficiency and research abilities.
    • A Letter of Motivation of not more than 350 words explaining your motivation and objective behind applying for this programme.

    Disclaimer: We try to ensure that the information we post on is accurate. However, despite our best efforts, some of the content may contain errors. You can trust us, but please conduct your own checks too.

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