Friday, October 18, 2024
    OpportunityLaw Student CornerLaw Students Alert! - Important Things to Know

    Law Students Alert! – Important Things to Know

    Do you know why some Law Student gets a better kick start?
    Why some actually get hired just after his/her graduation?

    Then you need to excel in these 5 skills i.e.:

    1. Networking
    2. Drafting
    3. Personal Branding
    4. Research
    5. Practical Legal Knowledge.

    Now as the Law Firms and Legal Professionals are shifting towards the digital market, they will also want candidates who have a Life-Long Digital Footprint. Law Students who will not match the demand for time will get eliminated even before the race.

    If you want to achieve success, forget yourself, your comfort, because you will achieve success only with full dedication. If you are a young law student or just began your career in law, then remember- let nobody tell you what you can and can’t do.
    Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t succeed because- you are a first-generation lawyer. Or you are from non-top law school or from a Non-NLU. Or from non- English background. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are too bold, different, and unconventional or par independent.

    Law Students: These are some tips for Budding Lawyers.

    1. Internships – Internships especially becomes an indispensable part of your CV. That is something that gives you a direction as to how you will go ahead in your profession. My advice to all young budding lawyers is to take these opportunities seriously.
    2. Don’t think you have too much time – We all think that we have 5 years in hand. I don’t think you will do this tomorrow or next semester. Avoid procrastinate things and don’t think that you need to do so and so. Before you can plan to do A, B, C, D…. Have a plan in your mind and then just go ahead to execute it. Take a progressive step each day towards it.
    3. Visualize yourself:- Start visualizing yourself where you want to see yourself. Start vibrating at the right frequency and you will find yourself achieving all the things you have ever dreamt of.
    4. If you don’t have a vision of where you go. If you don’t have a certain goal to achieve. You will drift around and you will never end up anywhere.
    5. Following the news is also important since such facts often affect perspective.
    6. Read every word on every page of every document. Always keep your legal knowledge up to date.
    7. Ask these questions:- Who, where, why, when and how. Usually, these question marks clarify the facts. Reach out to people, and don’t hesitate to take the first step.
    8. Also, do not assume things, Be certain. Because clarity is everything. One may be wrong, but one must be clear. Since this is a knowledge-intensive profession. So one must constantly gather the same.
    9. Always apply the basic principles. Don’t be shy to read the bare provisions of the law. On every read, you will find a new point or a new perspective. Master the facts, then identify the issues and apply the law. Do the same every time.
    10. Reading outside the law is equally important, it can be a fiction novel or a non- fiction scientific study.

    For every Law students to be on top of things is a general idea. Hard work, focus and a constant fire in the belly shall lead you to your desired goal. Things will go hard sometimes but hard does not mean that impossible because you are the hero of your own life story, And Heroes Never give up. Life is short, it’s too short to live depressed and it’s too short to struggle every day with a thought about taking your life. Get up fast because the future is brighter than your past.

    How to make it possible?

    Yes, create your life long digital footprint by the most interesting initiative taken by Legal Thirst

    ✔️Get the opportunity to enhance your C.V. where you can be contacted for #internship or #job.
    ✔️Get the opportunity to create your Personal Brand on platforms like LinkedIn.
    ✔️Get the opportunity to write and publish articles, research papers, journals, etc. with us.
    ✔️Get the opportunity to build up your network.
    ✔️Get the opportunity to learn from great leaders and get professional insights from them.

    It’s a never ending list of opportunities:

    You know the best part, It all begins with Legal Thirst.
    Write your thoughts to us.

    Credit for Essence of Thoughts‘: Rahul Ranjan student of Llyod Law College.

    Upcoming Post: On Drafting Impressive Resumes for Internships. (With Sample Resume)


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