Saturday, March 29, 2025
    OpportunityLaw Student CornerIf you are thinking of writing a Research Paper- Then read this...

    If you are thinking of writing a Research Paper- Then read this before.

    Usually out of boredness, we decided to improve ourselves. We decided to push ourselves to do something productive but when we actually start doing things. Then we realize that we need a lot of resources, a lot of guidance and a lot of lot more. So, if you as a Law student can relate to this. And you wanna write a Research Paper, then first of all one needs to decide that – He or she really wants to write a research paper. That’s the first step as you must be serious about spending hours doing research and writing that on papers…

    writing a research paper

    For that one needs to choose a topic.

    The topic of research should be the one that is current. Because if your research would be based upon an old topic, then already many research papers would already have been written upon it. That may not be very beneficial. So, write on a topic, which is a recent one.
    Let me give you some ideas for writing a research paper:- Reasons for the burning of amazon rain forests’. Or the reasons for proxy war state between India and Pakistan.

    Second thing is, the writer must clearly state the objective and purpose of conducting such research and the problem area.

    The next thing would be, to start writing on the chosen topic. For that, read already existing books and research papers available on the internet, journals, newspapers, etc. To gain knowledge on what work has already been done and what works needs to be done, that’s an important step. Then you should figure out the problematic areas of the chosen topic. By this, you can construct and materialize your suggestions and recommendations. Which you think will solve the problem, on doing so. You may conduct your study based on a public survey or purely doctrinal. These methodologies are upon the writer. If you think that there is enough material for doctrinal research.

    Then you may conduct the study which is based upon various books, journals, articles, cases, etc. Or you may opt for empirical research which is based upon a statistical survey, where the researcher collects data from the samples, So selected from the society.
    Thereafter, analyzing the data and the current happenings. One may form his result and write his conclusion while writing a research paper.

    Plagiarism- The hero of the story.

    It is pertinent to understand here that, while writing a research paper we have to keep in mind that the work needs to be an original piece and free of any plagiarism.
    The topic should provide something new to the readers and convey your thoughts clearly across readers of all kinds.
    And the last part of the research writing is getting your paper published in a journal which is a recognized, peer-reviewed, and has a good impact factor. In India, the publication of a research paper should be in journals listed under UGC – CARE, which is altogether.

    Read more from Law Student Corner: Law Students Alert! – Important Things to Know
    Post Credits: Rahul Ranjan, student 2nd year, Llyod Law College.

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