Saturday, February 8, 2025
    OpportunityCall for PapersCall for Papers- Lawyers Gyan is calling for papers- |Volume 1 Issue...

    Call for Papers- Lawyers Gyan is calling for papers- |Volume 1 Issue 2| No submission fees

    Call for Papers- Lawyers Gyan is calling for papers |Volume 1 Issue 2| No submission fees; Submissions on Rolling Basis

    About Us

    Lawyers Gyan Journal is a part of Lawyers Gyan. Lawyers Gyan Journal is a peer-reviewed online academic journal on law and multidisciplinary issues published quarterly. The aim is to promote legal research work, enhance legal academics, legal awareness in the society, and to promote original legal writing among law students and young academics. The purpose is to disseminate knowledge and research in various aspects of the law. Also, to establish a strong link between researchers and learners and to provide everyone with a common platform to enhance the development of learning standards. The Journal welcomes contributions from all legal branches and others, as long as the work is original, unpublished, and is in consonance with the submission guidelines.


    Lawyers Gyan Journal believes in bringing certain reforms in the current system, by publishing brilliant submission on contemporary issues. The Journal believes that every issue or aspect of the law is important. Therefore, we do not emphasize on a particular theme. Contributors can submit their submission on any theme related to law, policy, commerce, humanities, social science, and general.


    A short abstract should be between 150 to 250 words that outlines the main question or theme addressed in the paper is required to be sent along with the submission.

    Nature of Submission:

    The Lawyers Gyan Journal invites original, unpublished content from all academician, authors, legal professionals and students, under the following categories-

    • Short Articles: (1500-2500 words, including footnotes)
    • Long Articles: (2500-4000 words, including footnotes)
    • Case Comments: (1800-3000 words, including footnotes)
    • Research Papers: (3500-10,000 words, including footnotes)
    • Book Reviews: (1500-3600 words, including footnotes)

    [Note: Please don’t submit more than one submission until or unless your submission shall be disqualified.]

    Formatting Guidelines

    The submission must be formatted according to the following specifications:


    • Headings and subheadings should be in Bold and in uppercase.
    • Font size should be 12
    • The font should be Times New Roman.


    • The submission must be word-processed and font in Times New Roman.
    • The main text should be in font size 12.
    • A line spacing of 1.5 should be followed for the main text.
    • All text should be justified.


    The footnotes must be in Times New Roman font.
    The footnotes shall be in font size 10.
    A line spacing 1.0 for the footnotes is to be followed.
    All the footnotes should be justified.


    Please visit-

    Citation Guidelines:

    The system of the citation which is expected to be followed by the contributors is BLUEBOOK 20th  Edition. You can Download, Bluebook-20th-Edition

    Plagiarism Policy:

    All the submission submitted for the publication to Lawyers Gyan Journal must be plagiarism free. We may use any software to find out the plagiarism. But it is the duty of the contributors to assure the originality before the submission.

    [NOTE: Lawyers Gyan Journal shall not be liable for any plagiarism or copyright issue.]


    A maximum of one co-author is allowed. Submissions with more than two authors will be disqualified.

    Important Dates & Deadlines:

    No deadline. Early submissions would be appreciated. Lawyers Gyan is currently accepting submissions on a rolling basis.

    Perks & Awards:

    An e-certificate of publication would be awarded to all authors (of approved manuscripts). We would also acknowledge the efforts of the authors with a shout-out on all the social media handles of Lawyers Gyan.

    Entry Fee:

    No entry fee will be charged. One person can submit as many articles as one wish and as frequently as one wishes to.


    We do not believe in creating unnecessary delays by ‘stretching things’. Just mail your piece
    to us and we will get back to you within a week regarding its eligibility for publication.

    How to Submit:

    Submissions should be mailed to & in MS Word .doc format, with the subject of the mail as “Submission of Paper for Lawyers Gyan Journal”
    The body of the email must mention the name of the author(s), contact number, academic year (if applicable), qualifications (if applicable), the title of the paper, and any other details if applicable.

    Contact Details

    In case if you have any doubt or queries about the entire Journal then feel free to send us an email at, or contract to +91–9044264164 (WhatsApp).

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