Friday, February 21, 2025
    OpportunityCall for PapersCall for Blogs: All India Legal Forum: No submission fees

    Call for Blogs: All India Legal Forum: No submission fees

    Call for Blogs: All India Legal Forum: No submission fees; Submissions on Rolling Basis

    About the Blog

    All India legal Forum (AILF) is a platform to provide a valuable contemporary assessment of issues and developments in the legal field and also put forward quality legal content for the masses. The initiative aims to generate diverse social, political, legal, and constitutional discourse on law-related topics for the ever-growing legal fraternity. The platform distinguishes itself by promoting quality legal education and aims to tackle basic problems that a legal researcher faces in day to day life from basic research to drafting. With the assistance and guidance of an exemplary Honorary and Advisory Board consisting of eminent jurists of The Supreme Court and professors from various National Law Universities and other prominent Law Schools, All India legal Forum poses as a paramount source of an educational forum for the ever-developing legal fraternity. 

    Board of Advisors

    AILF is pleased to have support of diverse group of eminent personalities, comprising: Justice A.K. Sikri eminent jurist and an international Judge of the SICC; Advocate JLN. Murthy who is Vice Chair of the American Bar Association of United States and International Organizations; Dr. Vinod Surana, International Lawyer CEO & Managing Partner, Surana and Surana International Attorneys; Justice M.K.Sharma Former Judge Supreme Court of India, SL Bhayana, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India; Justice Amarnath Jindal; Prof. J.S. Patil is a Professor of Law and currently the Vice-Chancellor of National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam; Sr. Adv. Geeta Luthra, Delhi High Court Sr. Adv. Amit Trivedi, Allahabad High Court Lucknow Bench, Lucknow; Sr.Adv. Dhruvin.U.Mehta Gujarat High Court and many more.

    Themes or Topics

    We welcome blog posts that address contemporary issues in any field of law. It will be appreciated if submissions are with respect to editorial commentary and candid views. We prefer posts that include critical analysis or explore particular themes of wider resonance.


    For Submission Guidelines, visit us at :

    1. We welcome blog posts that address contemporary issues in any field of law. It will be appreciated if submissions are with respect to editorial commentary and candid views. We prefer posts that include critical analysis or explore particular themes of wider resonance.
    2. The submission should be an original work of the author and not under consideration for publication in any other journal, blog, or like platforms.
    3. Co- authorship: 2 people (maximum).
    4. The inclusion of 4-5 keywords is mandatory.
    5. Upon the receipt of a piece, an email apropos acknowledgment of the same shall be sent within a period of 48 hours.
    6. The authors have to attach a relevant photograph regarding the subject matter of the article so that a photographic preview in the blog-posts and social media updates can be uploaded(Below the photograph, mention Source of the Photograph). You are not supposed to violate someone else’s copyright for this, that would get you disqualified.
    7. The authors shall receive an acknowledgment email on receipt of the article by the editorial board. In case this does not happen kindly resend the submission. Once, the editorial board receives, it shall be processed through a rigorous editorial procedure and the decision about its acceptance or rejection shall be communicated to the authors within 14 days.
    8. All India Legal Forum shall have the copyright over the submissions and shall have the right to edit the submission without prior notification to the author. Once the submission is published on AILF Blog the same shall not be re-posted on any other platform.
    9. In case of any dispute, the decision of All India Legal Forum shall be binding and final.
      • A certificate of publication shall be issued to the author concerned, upon the publication of his piece.


    1. An abstract of 150 words (exclusive of the word limit).
    2. The work should not be plagiarized by more than 20%.
    3. Minimum word limit: 1500 words, Maximum: 2000 words.
    4. Submissions must be in:-
      • Times New Roman format,
      • Font-Size: 12,
      • Line Spacing: 1.5.
    5. Citation: Hyperlink with endnotes.
    6. Endnotes: For those sources which cannot be hyperlinked
      1. OSCOLA: to be followed for endnotes

    Assessment Criteria

    Your articles will be marked on the following points. You should meet the following criteria to qualify to win:

    1. The article should meet professional standards and be of publishable quality.
    2. Any plagiarism more than 20% will make the article non-publishable on the All India Legal Forum blog and thus, they would be rejected.
    3. The content shouldn’t be too dense/ technical for a reader.
      The concepts and case laws covered in the content should be easily understandable and mentioned in the simplest yet grammatically correct form.
    4. Content should not be ambiguous or should not have multiple meanings. We hate vague writing.
    5. It should be detailed and exhaustive. Answer all the questions that may come to one’s mind regarding the topic.
      However, do not deviate and write irrelevant things to make up the word count. Content needs to be genuine and strictly relevant.
    6. Information and law should be accurate. Relevant sections referred to must be mentioned everywhere and the cases must have citations.
      If this criterion is not met, we cannot select your article.
    7. You have to be straight to the point and precise. No beating around the bush.
    8. The idea should be communicated clearly and distinctly.
    9. Inconsistent technical terms should not be used in the document.
    10. Acronyms used in the articles should be explained.
    11. Important points should be properly highlighted, and the paragraphs should have proper headings and subheadings.
    12. More headings and subheadings and bullet points you put, the better chance of winning, because we love well-structured articles.
    13. Information should not be repetitive.
    14. You should avoid over-exaggeration or over-explanation of concepts.
    15. The article should be in a proper flow.
      Paragraphs/ sentences/ headings/ sub-headings (select as appropriate) should be connected with the previous and subsequent paragraph/ sentence/ heading/ sub-heading (select as appropriate).
    16. Sentences and bullet points should be complete sentences.
    17. All the judgments or statutory instruments should be hyperlinked. Non-functional/ not updated to the latest amendment links should not be inserted.
    18. Any author who gets at least three of his pieces published shall be granted a certificate of appreciation.

    Entry Fee

    No entry fee will be charged. One person can submit as many articles as one wish and as frequently as one wishes to.

    Important Dates and Deadlines

    No deadline. Early submissions would be appreciated. All India Legal Forum is currently accepting submissions on a rolling basis.

    How to Submit?

    Submissions should be mailed to in MS Word .doc format, with the subject of the mail as “Submission of Blog for AILF

    Perks and Awards

    An e-certificate of participation would be awarded to all authors. A certificate of appreciation will be given to authors who have a minimum of 3 entries published in All India Legal Forum. We would also acknowledge the efforts of the authors on our “Wall of Fame” on our website. Top 3 reads will get a shout-out from all the social media handles of AILF.


    No Unnecessary Delay

    We do not believe in creating unnecessary delay by ‘stretching things’. Just mail your piece to us and we will get back to you within a week regarding its eligibility for publication.

    We Guide You

    If your paper is not eligible for the publication, our team will give you feedback, explain to you the loopholes, and guide you for its publication. We at All India Legal Forum guide our authors about the use of legal databases like SCC Online, MANUPATRA, ZOTERO, etc. We also teach you the basics of researching and formatting.

    One person can submit as many articles as one wish and as frequently as one wants to. However, only one article submitted by an individual or co-authors in 15 days shall be considered for the competition. However, submitting more articles may increase your chances of winning. 

    Contact Details

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